There are so many faces and people we get to meet daily.  Each one has a story.  It is our pleasure to take part in some of those stories and share them with you through video.



Many of the families we build houses for have faced unbelievable adversity. Often times the hardships they face leave them feeling powerless and without hope. Porch de Salomon is helping plant seeds of hope in the lives of families. Watch and see what a little hope can do!


We are passionate about helping families thrive.  Not only do we build homes but we are developing sustainable projects for families so they can help themselves.  Watch how Porch de Salomon is helping these two brothers provide for their family.


And sometimes it’s just crazy rainy here and we wanted to show you what that looks like.  I actually recorded this after running past this.  I was riding a chicken bus which could not get through.  So I ended up running past this!