Finishing strong

For the past 2.5 years, we have been serving God with Porch de Salomon. It has been a life-transforming experience, and God has allowed us to be a part of so many amazing things and also some really hard things. We have seen God rescue alcoholics from addiction and single moms from homelessness. Countless times we have been a part of God feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and giving help to the widow and the fatherless. Through working with Porch de Salomon, we have served the “least of these”. You all have been a huge part of helping us serve in Guatemala, and we are so thankful for your prayers and financial support which made all of this possible.  Please take some time to read our most recent newsletter explaining what we are doing next.

Deeds family newsletter

Our last month in Guatemala has been filled with groups from the states including My Dad, brother, and sister coming down with Akron UMC.

Now we are selling things, packing up, and saying goodbye our last week here.  The Porch staff threw a goodbye party for us at Porta Del Lago (a hotel in town).  I got all teared up saying thank you to all our dear friends we have made here.

We also celebrated Abra’s 7th birthday this week.  A funny coincidence was we planned a pool party at the same hotel for Abra’s birthday.  But Abra was thrilled she got to swim there twice in one week.

As we transition back to the US, we would greatly appreciate your continued financial support! When we moved to Guatemala, we sold all of our belongings—including cars, beds, appliances, lawnmower, etc. Your continued or additional support during our transition will help us replace these needed items as we restart our household in Indianapolis. Porch de Salomon will be accepting donations with our names indicated until September 30. You can still donate via credit card, Paypal, or electronic check at the link below or mail in a paper check at the provided address

Donate online at:


Will and Amber Deeds

Mail checks to:

Porch de Salomon
P.O. Box 10509
 Tallahassee, FL 32302-2509 memo line:
Will and Amber Deeds

Please pray for us in the upcoming weeks as we:

July 9—return to Guatemala and serve with remaining summer teams August 1—pack up our home, distribute our belongings, and say goodbyes August 15—fly to Indiana and search for a van, house, furniture and more September 1—move to Indianapolis and begin serving at Castleton UMC